Tuesday, March 1, 2011


n.  rubbish, especially household rubbish

Don't know about you, but I just love garbage men.  Or people, depending on your PC level.  They take away all my crap and I never have to worry about it again.  I try to compost and recycle as much as I can, but some things are best taken care of by the professionals.  Hard as a rock Play-Doh?  Bye bye.  Expired cottage cheese?  Yikes and good riddance.  Holey socks that my kids keep wearing?  Now out of rotation.

As military spouses, there are two prime examples of how we can play the role of garbage men. 

The PCS Garbage Removal: 
If you are a friend or neighbor worth their salt, you willingly and joyfully take stuff when others are cleaning out the house for a permanent change of station.  I have accepted a tank of fish, frozen meats and veggies, cheese, condiments, candles, a picnic table, a trampoline, artichoke hearts, an inflatable water slide, beer, coffee, whiffle balls, indoor and outdoor plants, and tons of open liquor.  In the past two years, I have yet to purchase cleaning supplies and have made my crib sparkle and shine using solely what has been given to me. 

Do I need all these items or in the amounts given to me?  Heck no but I understand what it means to the giver to have these items accepted...it means less crap for them to worry about.  I don't care if you are a vegan:  you better take those eggs, with a smile, and ask if there is anything else YOU can have like a side of fatback.  By taking others household rubbish, you ease a tremendous burden and turn down the stress-o-meter a couple notches. 

The Emotional Garbage Removal:
There are certain times when all we need to do is vent.  I am talking about normal venting here...not cries for help.  We need to just get all our mental crap out of our heads and give it away to someone who will listen, empathize, and then forget about it.  Not judge, not store and use at a later date against us, and not spread our emotional rubbish for neighborhood entertainment like racoons digging through a dumpster. 

The friend whose husband just returned from a deployment and is driving her crazy, or is battling the school, who is taking care of an ill parent, or who feels her kids are driving her to drink before retreat sounds...people need to verbally purge their bodies of garbage.  Your job is to listen and then take it to the dump.  Once it is gone, they can return to their situations and handle with a clean mind and heart.  And all it cost you was time. 

I have had my share of garbage men who have taken the unwanted or unpackable contents of my house and mind with smiles, understanding, and kind words.  I was once that person who didn't know any better and said, "No thanks...we don't eat black bean burgers or will use four gallons of bleach," or thought I didn't have time to let others unload their emotional baggage to me.  When it was my turn to purge, I was amazed at the generous hearts of military spouses and learned who would safely and kindly take my rubbish away for me.  What a gift to give to someone.

So if you have any garbage, I'm your gal. 
And since a PCS is in my future, start clearing your pantry and freezer.

Anyone need bleach?


  1. Thanks for having taken care of both of my garbage needs!!

  2. Are you the same Heidi from "Reason for....". If so, glad to see you back to blogging. And, how did I manage to stumble upon you again?

    The Majors Wife

  3. MW....Yep, sure am. How funny is that!!!
