Thursday, June 30, 2011

Door to Door Moves...Why Have You Forsaken Me???

There is one thing as a military spouse that I have yet to successfully experience:  A door-to-door move.

It is not for lack of trying.  We have tried every stinkin' time, putting all our eggs into the "oh...we have plenty of on-base houses available" basket.  Due to many reasons, stemming from mouse turds all over the house (and I do mean ALL OVER) to opening the back door to find the neighbor's dog tied with a 12 foot rope, which gave the dog plenty of length to charge us and reach the door, we have never been able to pull this off, so are faced with one housing purgatory after another while waiting for housing that won't put our family in danger.

There was the time we lived in an apartment for one week before getting the call, a phone call we were told to expect in two months, to live on base.  Or the time we squatted with very generous family and friends for two months.  Or when we lived in TLF that did not accept dogs and paid $1000 in kenneling fees. And then the 300 sq. ft. studio hotel room that housed all of us, including the dogs for you guessed it, two months. Good times, good times.

I met a woman while stationed at Hanscom, a mother of 6 at the time, that always managed door to door moves.  Teach me oh wise one!  Teach me your ways!

We are currently doing our darnest to make that elusive door to door move happen this time 'round.  We have no back up plan.  We are living on the edge of sanity, trying to make all the parts fall into place.  Our short sale was approved (yay!), the inspection was not too stroke inducing as to scare us away from the property (whew!), and the VA appraisal looks good as well (yippee!).  My husband left today to begin his new assignment and to be present for all things house related.  Closing is set for the day before the truck is loaded with all our stuff here, which allows time for the house to be cleaned and flooring to be replaced before me, the boys, our dogs, and the U-Haul trailer arrive the next week.

Dear God,

I think I do a pretty good job not asking for material things.  I learned not to ask you for patience because you would give me something to be patient about (thanks Mom for that advice!), and I try to pray for others before thinking of myself.


But this time, please let this happen safely and as planned so that:
  • a) I don't fall apart at the seams
  • b) I don't hate and curse the Air Force and all things military
  • c)I don't unfairly punish those around me with my frustration
  • d) I don't drink all day long

Have mercy on us, I beg you.


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